Vancouver Neurotherapy Health Services Inc.(604)730-9600    
Achieve Your Full Potential Through
Brain-Based Self-Regulation Techniques

Technical Papers & Abstracts

Berghmans, L. C., Hendriks, H. J., De Bie, R. A., & Waalwijk van Doorn. E. S. (Feb. 2000). Conservative treatment of urge urinary incontinence in women: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. BJU International, 85 (3), 254-263.

Berghmans, L. C. M., Frederiks, C. M. A., de Bie, R. A., & Weil, E. H. J. (1998). Efficacy of biofeedback, when included with pelvic floor muscle exercise treatment, for genuine stress incontinence. Neurourology and Urodynamics, 15(1), 37–52.

Burgio, K. L., Locher, J. L., Goode, P. S., et al. (1998). Behavioral vs drug treatment for urge urinary incontinence in older women. Journal of the American Medical Association, 280, 1995-2000. (IV)

Burns, Patricia, et al. (Mar. 1990). Treatment of stress incontinence with pelvic floor exercises and biofeedback. J Am Geriatr Soc., 38(3), 341-344.

Diane K. Newman (2003). Biofeedback as an incontinence treatment.

Floratos, D. L., Sonke, G. S., Rapidou, C. A., Alivizatos, G. J., Deliveliotis, C., Constantinides, C. A., & Theodorou, C. (May 2002). Biofeedback vs verbal feedback as learning tools for pelvic muscle exercises in the early management of urinary incontinence after radical prostatectomy. BJU International, 89(7), 714-719. Retrieved from Medline Database.

Iwai, N., Nagashima, M., Shimotake, T., & Iwata, G. (Nov. 1997). Is a new biofeedback therapy effective for fecal incontinence in patients who have anorectal malformations?, Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 32(11), 1626-1629. Retrieved from Science Direct Database.

Iwai, N., Nagashima, M., Shimotake, T., & Iwata, G. (Jun. 1993). Biofeedback therapy for fecal incontinence after surgery for anorectal malformations: Preliminary results. Journal of Pediatric Surgery, 28(6), 863-866. Retrieved from Science Direct Database.

Mimura, T.,Nicholls, T., Storrie, J. B., & Kamm, M. A. (2002). Treatment of constipation in adults associated with idiopathic megarectum by behavioural retraining including biofeedback. Colorectal Disease: The Official Journal Of The Association Of Coloproctology Of Great Britain And Ireland, 4 (6), 477-82. Retrieved from Medline Database.

Roy, A. J., Emmanuel, A. V., Storrie J. B., Bowers, J., & Kamm, M. A. (Jan. 2000). Behavioural treatment (biofeedback) for constipation following hysterectomy. Retrieved from Medline Database.

Simon M. A., & Bueno, A. M. (Jul. 2009). Behavioural Treatment of the Dyssynergic Defecation in Chronically Consipated Elderly Patients: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Applied Psychophysiol Biofeedback, 34(4),273–277. Retrieved from SpringerLink Database.

Susset, J. G., Galea, G., & Read, L. (1990). Biofeedback therapy for female incontinence due to low urethral resistance. Journal of Urology, 145, 1205-1208.

Tries, J. & Brubaker, L. (1996). Application of biofeedback in the treatment of urinary incontinence. Professional Psychology: Research and Practice, Research and Practice, 27, 554-560. (IV)

Tries, J., & Eisman, E. (1995). Urinary incontinence; Evaluation and biofeedback treatment. Schwartz and Associates (2nd ed.), 597-632.

Whitehead, W. E., Parker, L., Basmajian, L., Morrill-Corbin, D., Middaugh, S., Garwood, M., Cataldo, M., & Freeman, J.(1986). Treatment of fecal incontinence in children with spina bifida: comparison of biofeedback and behavior modification. Arch Phys Med Rehab, 67, 218-224.

Woolner B., Coros J., M.D. , Drew S., Ph.D.  (1997). The Use of Electromyographic Biofeedback for Training Pelvic Floor Musculature. The Biofeedback Foundation of Europe.